Senior Resource Committee Meeting
Does your business interact with or market/serve the senior citizen community in our area? Plan to participate in the next meeting of the new Senior Resource Committee and interact with businesses involved with the senior community.
Co-Chair: Dan Rattary, Seniors Helping Seniors
Co-Chair: John Christian, ARC Physical Therapy
Friday, October 6, 2023 Meeting at 8:00AM
Clemens Enterprises at 41 North Cass Avenue or via Zoom
Meeting ID: 876 6572 9254 Passcode: 188763 Dial in by phone: +1-312-626-6799
Meeting Agenda
A. Introduce yourself and your business - what is a good lead for you?
B. Host Introduction – Clemens Enterprises
C. Any additions to the Meeting Agenda
D. Approval of September Meeting Minutes
II. Old Business
A. Dementia Friendly Westmont Updates and Business Certification
B. Any additional old business to address?
III. New Business
A. Recommend new committee co-chairs, new secretary, new recruitment co-chairs
B. Follow-up on recent chamber members that were interested in joining SRG
C. 2023 Scope of Work – Senior Expos, Business After Hours, Dementia Friendly Westmont Programing, Social Events, Community Outreach Activity, Networking Activity
D. Any additional new business to address?
IV. Upcoming Event Updates
A. Trick or Treat Trail on October 21st at 10:00 am in Downtown Westmont
B. Frosty and Friends Parade on December 2, 2023 at 5:00pm in Downtown Westmont
V. Next Meeting Date, Time and Location
November 3, 2023 at The Birches.
Senior Resource Committee Meeting
Friday, September 8, 2023
8:00-9:00 AM
Draft Meeting Minutes
1.Meeting Participation
Mary Ferguson, Gaye Wagner, Julianne Rizzo, Catie Cassity, Larry Forssberg, Dan Rattary, Nora Hernandez, Mike Hensley, Mark Davis, Mano Rao, John Christiansen, Dr. Nancy A. Congdon, Au D., Karen Spencer, Sheri Kupres and Alyssa Vejendla
2. Call to Order
A. Introductions were made by all attendees.
B. Approval of August Minutes – A motion was made by Dan Rattary and seconded by John Christiansen and approved by the committee.
3.Old Business
A. Dementia Friendly Westmont Updates:
Chamber Open House, Wednesday September 20th: Mark Davis, John Christiansen, Gaye Wagner, Mike Hensley
4.New Business
A.New Committee co-chairs, secretary, recruitment committees were discussed Sheri Kupres and Catie Cassity will be co-secretaries. Mark Davis and Mary Ferguson will co-chair the membership committee. Chair and Co-Chair positions were tabled until October.
B.New SRG members will be reviewed by the Recruitment Committee
C.Trick or Treat Trail 10/21: SRG can have a table at the event, appx. 900 kids attend.
D.2024 Scope of Work-Senior Expos, Business After Hour, Dementia Friendly Westmont:
• SRG Expo scheduled for 4/25/2024, 5-6:30 and 4/26/2024 8:30-11@the Westmont Park District. The Expo Committee is Julanne Rizzo, Mark Davis, Mary Ferguson and Alison Clemmens
• After Hour, March 6 or March 13, 2024 5-6:30
• Additional Discussions:
-Dementia Training at the Library
-November Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
-Bi-Monthly SRC Educational Presentation
-Social Gathering
-Community Outreach: Truck or Treat, Car Show, Westmont Chamber events
-Senior of the Year Award Presentation at the Westmont Chamber Annual Award Dinner
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SRC Meeting Minutes – 09/23
5.Upcoming Event Updates
A. Pets in the Park 9/17
B. Open House 9/20
6.Next Meeting
October 6, 2023@Clemens Enterprises
Future meeting locations: November, The Birches, December, Downers Grove Township or Terra Vista
Motion to Adjourn by Mary Ferguson and seconded by Mark Davis at 9:08 A.M -All Approved
Respectfully Submitted by
Gaye Wagner
Date and Time
Friday Oct 6, 2023
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM CDT
Meeting convenes at 8:00 am and adjourns at 9:00 am on the first Friday of the month (except on holidays).
Clemens Enterprises, Inc.
41 N. Cass Ave.
Westmont, IL 60559
Via Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 876 6572 9254 Passcode: 188763 Dial in by phone: +1-312-626-6799
Westmont Chamber of Commerce Members are free to participate in the Senior Resource Committee. Non-Members should contact the Chamber Office for additional information.
Contact Information
Larry Forssberg
Send Email